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Wills & legacies

A gift in your will has the power to change so many people’s lives.

What legacy will you leave?

Leaving a gift donation in your will is a wonderful way to leave a lasting legacy. Every gift, whatever the size, helps us transform care for the generations to come through pioneering research, cutting edge technology and innovative new treatments. Get in touch with us or your solicitor for more information.

Did you know you can write or update a simple will for free though ACT’s Free Wills Service?

Help transform care for generations to come

Addenbrooke’s began with a gift in a will – and now you can play a part in our wonderful history of care. We all need some help from the medical profession at some point in our lives. Whether it’s for a serious medical condition, a minor accident or the birth of our children. At these times we’d give anything for the very best medical care available.

The fact is, a gift left to Addenbrooke’s in a will makes a huge difference to improving patient care – allowing us to offer the best treatment, delivered by the best staff, in the most modern facilities and with the most up-to-date equipment. We believe it’s nothing less than every patient deserves.  Download our brochure to find out more about what a gift in a will can achieve or watch our short film above.

Help to deliver the very best care for generations to come

You don’t need to leave a fortune, or decide between Addenbrooke’s and your family, but anything you do leave will help to keep delivering the very best care to everyone who needs it – for generations to come. If you do choose, or have already chosen, to leave a gift in your will to Addenbrooke’s, please let us know to help us plan for the future.

It’s easier to leave a gift than you might think

A gift can be made simply by adding a Codicil to an existing will or alternatively you can make a new will.

One supporter’s story – ‘It’s because they saved my life’

“I first decided to leave a gift in my will to Addenbrooke’s before the coronavirus pandemic. However, the crisis has confirmed to me just how vital gift like this really is – as we have all relied on the incredible work of the NH S and Addenbrooke’s during recent months.

The reason I left a gift to Addenbrooke’s is simple. It’s because they saved my life. It’s thanks to this brilliant hospital that I’m still alive today and so I wanted to give them something in return, to thank them for all they have done.

When I went to the hospital for a mammogram the consultants picked up the signs of a tumour. 18 months beforehand I’d had some unusual cells removed but they had returned. The quick thinking and expertise of the consultants at Addenbrooke’s saved my life that day.

After all the treatment, one of the consultants told my husband that if the cells had gone untreated then 18 months later there would have been no hope for me. 12 years later here I am and it’s all thanks to Addenbrooke’s.

So when my husband and I decided to update our wills I wanted to leave a gift to Addenbrooke’s. I hope that my gift will change more lives in the future. It was also easy to do – we just went to our solicitor, told her what we wanted and she did the rest.

As to what the hospital uses the gift in my will for, I really don’t mind. Perhaps it might be enough to buy a piece of equipment or it might enhance patient care. As long as it benefits someone somewhere in the hospital down the line, I’m happy. I’m just glad to know I’m giving something back.

I have to add that my gift is not going to be huge and I intend on being here till I’m 100 years old! But I know any amount will make a difference.

The coronavirus pandemic brought home to me just how vital Addenbrooke’s really is. During lockdown we’ve kept in touch with the hospitals news via the Internet and we’re very aware of all the invaluable work the staff were doing. It made me realise even more just how necessary it has become to support the vital work that happens throughout the hospital.

If you’re at all tempted to leave a gift in your will to Addenbrooke’s I’d say just do it. There’s nothing more important than somebody’s health, so if you can help that’s wonderful. I’m so glad and so proud to be able to give something back.”

– Barbara Davies

If you would like to talk to someone about remembering Addenbrooke’s in your will, or to request a Gift in Wills pack, please fill in this form or contact Paul White, Head of Donor Care on 01223 217757 or email