Everything we do starts with your kind support
We are dedicated to making Addenbrooke’s even better in every way. And we rely entirely on the funds we raise through patients and their families, businesses, philanthropic individuals, charitable trusts and foundations to do just that.
We fund
new services and facilities for the benefit of patients and their families.
We enhance
existing services to levels over and above those that could be achieved through NHS funding alone.
We support
the research and innovation that drive improvements to healthcare, through pump-priming grants and bridging funding gaps.
Fundraise with us
People like you can help ensure that the care provided continues to be of the highest level and that patients and their families will benefit for years to come.
There are many ways that you can lend your support, from making a donation, leaving a gift in your will, attending an event, giving in memory of a loved one, volunteering your support, shopping in our online shop or by organising your own fundraising activity. The possibilities are endless!