Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust Logo

Education & learning

We support the ongoing training of staff at Addenbrooke’s, helping develop new skills and knowledge, ensure staff well-being and provide ever improving care. We also provide educational resources for patients and the public.

Developing new skills and knowledge is at the heart of ever-improving patient care, which is why we’re so proud to support many educational initiatives.

Our funding also helps staff expand their knowledge at conferences and courses, develop and present research break-throughs and to nurture the new generation of healthcare professionals.

Here’s how your donations have helped:

Upgrading the Deakin Centre

The Deakin Centre is a valuable asset, used by staff to improve their skills, patient focus groups, staff celebrations, recruitment events, board meetings and more. ACT has given £29,145 to help further improve facilities and ensure the highest quality education is available for all staff by creating an additional teaching/computer room on the ground floor and converting a parent room to provide additional training space.

Improving dementia care through virtual reality

We’re pleased to have provided £5,472 to buy this new training aid that allows staff to be immersed in a virtual world where they experience first-hand what it is like to have dementia.

As a result, more and more ward and non-ward staff understand how to approach people with dementia and what they can do to enhance their journeys through the hospital. This greater understanding of the need to create calmer environments is driving changes throughout the hospital.

Using the Hungry Manikin to ease children’s fears 

Across children’s services we’re seeing an increase in the number of children requiring nasogastric and gastronomy tubes. This new training model, bought with £984 of funding, helps patients and carers visualise the correct placement of the tubes and to practice, increasing their understanding of the procedure and greatly improving their confidence and reducing anxiety. It has also proved invaluable as a training aid for staff, especially newly qualified student nurses.

Paediatric cardiac simulator improves training to identify neonatal and children’s heart conditions

Heart defects are the most common type of birth defect, affecting nine babies in every thousand born. Early diagnosis using echocardiography and intervention is vital, but training doctors to use echocardiography on sick babies can cause increased risk of infection and many potential problems.

An innovative computer-driven training system, using a neonatal mannequin, is now being used in the Rosie, thanks to £22,000 of charitable funding, helping improve training and education for junior doctors and improving patient outcomes.

All thanks to you

We’ve achieved so much thanks to our generous supporters, but there’s still more you can help us with.

  • £1 could buy an activity pack to keep a toddler busy while mum is waiting in an antenatal clinic
  • £10 could enable volunteers to take part in ground-breaking research that could save countless lives
  • £100 could help reduce cancer recurrence for 10 patients through a focussed rehabilitation session
  • £1,000 could help fund a breast cancer counsellor to provide vital psychological support for patients
  • £108,000 could fully kit out an emergency children’s ambulance with live-saving equipment

We want to continue doing more for the hospital – please donate today – thank you.

To find out more, please contact us or call 01223 217757.

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