Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust Logo

Friends of Addenbrooke’s

Become a Friend of Addenbrooke's and show your commitment to our efforts.

Regular, ongoing support is the bedrock of funding that allows us to be flexible in our pursuit of ever-improving patient care. It allows to attend to areas of urgent need, wherever and whenever they crop up.

It’s so important to us that we set up Friends of Addenbrooke’s, to recognise those who stand by us every month and generously give on a regular basis. Thanks to our Friends’ kindness, we can continue to invest in innovative technology, pioneering research and world class facilities and services.

Your support matters and will make a difference across the hospital

  • £1 could help buy an activity pack to keep a toddler busy while mum is waiting in an antenatal clinic
  • £10 could enable volunteers to take part in ground-breaking research that could save countless lives
  • £100 could help reduce cancer recurrence for 10 patients through a focussed rehabilitation session
  • £1,000 could help to fund a breast cancer counsellor to provide vital psychological support for patients
  • £108,000 could help to fully kit out an emergency children’s ambulance with live-saving equipment

When you become a Friend, you will receive regular updates about the impact of your support, as well as invitations to join us at informative and social events throughout the year.

Become a Friend of Addenbrooke’s by setting up a regular monthly Direct Debit today.

For more information about becoming a Friend of Addenbrooke’s please contact 01223 217757 or email: